Iony Patriota de
Holds a D.Sc. and B.Sc. in
Electrical Engineering, an M.Sc. (honors) in
Operations Research, an MBA in Information Systems,
and more than 40 years of experience in consulting,
operation and maintenance management for
infrastructure sectors. He is an Honorary and
Distinguished CIGRE Member and former Chairman of
Study Committee on Protection and Automation,
Chairman of Brazilian Technical Committee of IEC TC
57 and ABNT, an adviser for the Brazilian
Maintenance Association, President and CEO of Tecnix
Engineering and Architecture, Director of Brazilian
Maintenance Institute, Permanent Member of the
Brazilian National Engineering Academy, and a
post-graduation visiting teacher at four
universities. A recipient of CIGRE Technical
Committee Award, Brazilian Engineering Premium,
CIGRE-Brazil best Paper Award, Vote of Praise from
the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies and CIER Special
Award. He has authored four books about Maintenance,
Management Science, Power Plant Automation and
Critical Infrastructure Networks, and co-authored
one book on Operations Research. |